Friday, September 28, 2012

#18 - Patrick & Peetu: Our Daily Life on the Farm

Howdy y'all!

I'm writing this to give you city-cats a little look in to the farmers life. My name is Patrick and I live on my 5 acre farm with my horse Peetu, my two dogs drooly and droopy and a couple of ponies. I'm a little different than my neighbours, because I like Hip Hop culture so much. When my neighbours wear their rubber overalls to work, I just put on my baggy pants and rock Air Force 1's. Word up!

I've taken a couple of pictures to show you how my typical day goes by, so step on in, (or out lol) to the Patsui Farms.

I start my day at 5:00am with a hefty breakfast. After that it's time to start domestic work. I do all kinds of stuff, here I am getting Peetu's food ready.. Working alone can be a burden and I dream that I will find that special someone one day..

Sometimes I like to get really wild, so ladies, don't message me if you can't handle a little extra fun ;)

Seeing my horse Peetu aka Petit Peter Pan always makes my troubles go away. He is my best friend! Look how tall he is. I was pretty scared at his size when I first met him, but he's a playful and friendly horsie.

Me and Peetu both like working out with Kettle Bells. Here's Peetu's favourite kettle bell.

Peetu is from Germany. He did some mistakes in his youth, so he went to prison for a couple of years. That's where his prison number 'H33' tattoo comes from. But don't worry, it was just a small financial  crime and that's all. Peetu wouldn't hurt a fly!

After a hard days work, me and Peetu like to joke around. Sometimes I cite Hamlet to him...

.. And sometimes I say hello the German way. That's when Peetu is like "whoa, whoa, we don't do that stuff anymore!"..

.. But Peetu knows I'm just joking and we laugh it off..

Like I said, me and Peter Pan share a connection.. Bros 4 life.

Here you go Peetu, have some treats..

Oh.. Boy, what's wrong??

Ooops! You made a poopy.

Don't worry about it, pal. I'll clean it up!

While I was scooping Peetu's shit up, he took this self picture and uploaded it to which is an online horse-on-horse dating site.. Oh you dawg!

All done, time to take this pile of shit and blast it with a cannon all over my neighbour's yard.

In my free time I like to ride with Peetu. We joke around with doing the real Gangnam Style Horse Dance!

and Peetu likes to try on my caps. Who's that woman you ask? Her name is Silja and she likes to come ride with Peetu. A hunky adonis from next door stole her heart before I could do anything.. That's why one of my hobbies is flinging shit to his yard..

Me and Peetu doing our thing, oh yeah!

While I went to the bathroom my neighbour showed up and wanted to ride Peetu. OMG What a sexy douche..

ok whatever, I'll screw up the pictures on purpose and blame the camera!

Oh well, look how happy they look together.. Maybe I'll find something like that one day..

Well the sun is about to set.. I hope you had fun at my farm, send me a letter or come visit me and Peetu any day! Peas Out!

- Patrick & Petit Peter Pan

Now for the real cliffnotes:  I fed, combed and rode on a horse today! The horse in question, Peetu, is Silja's own horse. I did some laps with and without Silja and I also steered Peetu. We did two speeds, normal and trot (käynti ja ravi). I almost fucking fell in the first trot as Silja FORGOT to tell me to hang on tight and use my legs to counter the bouncing up and down. So basically when I first sped up to trot, I was just bouncing on the horse like a rubber ball, but I managed to hang on. The next tries went smoother, phew!

Horses are awesome, big and strong! It was pretty surreal to ride and steer a creature this big, I enjoyed it :) Big thanks to Silja for driving me there and setting the horse up, doing all the prep work and driving me back. She did a lot of work to make this happen, and I'm really thankful for that. Thanks to Jukka as well for constantly trying to dare me to put my hand in Peetu's mouth and other stupid stuff like that. He also took all the pictures!

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