Tuesday, September 25, 2012

#14 - 15 Shopping at a Charity Shop & Parkour


I almost quit this challenge yesterday. I wasn't feeling well after the funeral and I announced that I was quitting, but my friends managed to change my mind. Even the smallest gesture from a friend can help you keep moving forward and hearing how people enjoy reading about my adventure and telling me to just push through the feels-bad-man moment helped me to turn my decision around!

Thank you, my friends.

ANYWAYS, After my temporal insanity yesterday I decided to take out two birds with one stone today and go shopping in a thrift shop first and end the day with some awesome Parkouring! I need to catch up if I'm going to complete 30 challenges in 30 days, so why not do two challenges in one day. Today was all about bromance, as I had made plans with Niko to go shopping, and Jontte was going to teach me some basics of Parkouuuuuuur!

I met up with Niko aka Sharkie (which is his locking alter-ego) in the center and made our way to UFF. UFF is a shop that sells used clothes people give away to charity and today every piece of clothing cost 3 euros! My original challenge had me buying a full outfit from a thrift shop, but I decided less would suffice. I asked Niko to go with me because we're joining forces for a battle. That's right, we're going out to Estonia Twirls blazing next month to take part in a Locking 2vs2 dance battle! So we thought it would be cool to try find some fresh battle gear for our upcoming showdown.

Soon we found ourselves in the basement floor of an UFF, going through the clothing racks. The selection for men was quite bad, but we managed to find some amazing looking jackets from the ladies side..

Pimpin' a little too much? I only know a couple of stunning girls who are Badass enough to rock this kind of gear... ;)

After an hour of trying on dusty jackets, blazers and trousers we managed to find some new pants for our epic locking collaboration! We ended our mandate with some deliciously greasy noodle MÄTTÖ. Great Success!

Picture of our Naturally Funky Foot-Hype Clan pantalones!

After our meal it was time for me to go jump around with Jontte. We warmed up and got down to bidniz in a park in Hakaniemi. 

Parkour is a training discipline focused on overcoming obstacles, involving moving from point A to point B in the fastest and most efficient way possible. It combines a variety of movements like running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, leaping, and rolling.

As we began, Jontte explained and showed various moves to me, such as the Side Vault, the Monkey Vault and the Cat Leap, but during the exhibition all I could think of were moves like the Face-Plant, the Half Flip Neck Bang and my personal favourite the Land-on-Your-Balls-And-Say-Goodbye-to-Babies Leap!

My parkour specialties

I performed some of the leaps over a fence and I'm quite glad that I didn't crash during our session! Out of all the moves I tried, the Lazy Vault was my favourite one.. It really spoke to me on an emotional level and felt like my kind of a move..

How the pros do it.. SICK!

It was fun to learn some of the basic techniques behind Parkouring, I think I can confidently hop over a fence now and not faceplant..*knocks on wood* Parkouring reminded me of skateboarding, because there's a mental side in both of them, where you have to let go of your fear and just do it! All in all it was a fun day, and I can safely say:

I'm back in the Game, bitches!

The flying Lockness Monstah!


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