Monday, September 24, 2012

#13 - Funeral, a day off & (not)ending the challenge

On Saturday we buried our beloved grampa, Reino Björn..

You can read an obituary about him here:

On Sunday I filmed a quick vid with my crew for a video competition. I didn't feel like doing any of the challenges..

Today I still feel like shit and all the challenges I have left don't appeal to me at all. I started this project to do something different, but aside from reinforcing my preconceived thoughts about myself , it didn't have the effect I was hoping for.. I'm not stopping because the challenges aren't fun, I'm stopping because they haven't helped me in a way I wished they would have.

I did enjoy writing and trying to entertain my tens and tens of readers, lol. I had fun and got to hung out with people I normally don't, so that was cool. I hope my stories have entertained and/or inspired some of you to get out there and do something new!



HAHAHA GOTCHA!!! I fooled you again, didn't I? You think an AWESOME MANLY MAN with chest hair like mine would just quit a challenge?? Well think again!

... Some peeps didn't want me to quit so they sent me a couple of nice messages, which made me think it through.. Since I'm easily manipulated and have nothing better to do than sit here and write to my 1 follower, I have decided to CONTINUE my challenge, starting again tomorrow! Even the mayneliest of mayne's need a couple of days to cut some onions after the passing of his mom's pops.


  1. too bad m8, i thought the whole thing was a brilliant, bold and courageous idea - i followed it with pleasure. :(

    sadly I can't speak finnish and thus am unable to read the obituary. your grandpa sure looked like a boss and I am sure he'll live on in all your memories.


    1. ENIQ!

      I've gotten a lot (3!!!!!) messages saying I'm a pussy, so I've decided to man the fuck up and continue.. Stay tuned!
