Tuesday, September 11, 2012

#02 - Golfing with Anssi & the Bees


That's what I expected to hear quite often (Well, actually I didn't, but I couldn't come up with a better intro) as we strolled into Hiekkaharju's Golf Club with my friend Anssi and bought some balls for the driving range. It was time to try challenge number 2 out of 30, Golf!

We went to the driving range instead of playing a round on the fields. The driving range is a place where people try to shoot balls at geese and other birds that land on the range with golf balls. As a beginner it would have been pointless to play a round of golf, since you have to learn how to swing the club properly first. I have played my fair share of wii Spots Golf so of course I knew all the basics and was ready for the ol'18-holer, but Anssi insisted that we learn how to swing first. After a 5 hour lecture on various golf topics ranging from golf fashion to Tiger Woods' sex scandal I finally got my first chance to take a swing at the ball.

"OK, lets do this!" I thought. Time for my first swing... My palms were sweaty, knees weak,
arms were heavy
There's a golf ball on the ground already, Anssi set it!
 I was nervous, but on the surface I looked calm and ready to hit balls
but I kept on forgetting, what should go down, the whole swing goes around
I open my mouth but the ball just won't fly out, it's bouncing now
I actually hit it, wow! Everybody's laughing now
the ball's rolling down, It's stopped, oh, KABLAOW!

Video of my first actual swing, lol!

As you could see, Wii Golf had really paid off and my swings were magical(ly hilarious)! At first I kept hitting my balls from the wrong angle; I didn't want to hit the ground with the club, so I kept it too high! After a while I started getting used to it and hit some nice straight shots, even though they weren't that consistent. It was pretty difficult to try and remember all the technique that goes in to a swing and it didn't help that there were these two bees that constantly kept trying to go in to my mouth while I was swinging.

 No, the front leg isn't supposed to look like that after a swing =P

We spent all day whacking our balls away in the sun and I got to try three different clubs: The "Whatchamacallit", the "BeeAttract2000" and the "YourWhiteGloveGoesWellWithTheWhiteHandle". I also tried on Anssi's magical white golf mitten that instantly made my swing a hundred times better.

Golfers, buy this magical glove

It was fun spending a couple of hours swinging the clubs. Anssi gave me a school grade of 8½ from 10 for my first day golfing! I recommend everybody who wants to give golf a try to buy a golf glove.. It will drastically improve your swing (and keep the blisters away).

My final form

Challenge #02 done, One blistered thumb up for Golf!


  1. Haha, the Eminem golf rap? Price-to-the-less! Dude, you rock! Them balls.

  2. I've never written balls so many times! Ballin'
