Wednesday, September 19, 2012

#10 - Climbing

Dear diary,

I hope all is well. Yesterday I told you people that you could find a link to my online dating profile on my blog.. Here comes the shocker:


(Sorry, but I feel like it's a lil too personal ;) If you really want to see it, 
ask me nicely in private and the link might be yours)

Today I went climbing with my bro Jedy, aka Jedy King Kong. I know Jedy from dancing and he's been bugging me a lot about going climbing, so this was the perfect opportunity for us to do it! I felt pretty nervous as we entered the climbing place, some of the walls looked massive and my fear of heights wasn't helping. I strapped the harness on and put on some climbing shoes on my bare feet. The shoes started to get sweaty right away and I couldn't help but wonder how full of other people's feet sweat they were.

You look up – climbers everywhere!

The scariest wall of them all!

My first climbing route was, umm, yellow! After a few tips from Jedy (keep close to the wall and always try to use your legs to push you further) I started the climb. The route was for beginners and the belaying was automatic, which means that if I fell or jumped down, the machine would lower me automatically. I was nervous about it and decided to test it from 2 meters. I jumped and it worked wonderfully! "pheew." I thought as I started to climb. The route was pretty easy and I reached the top in no time. All the nervousness had faded away and I felt good!

WTF Jedy get down from there before you get hurt!!

Climbing a crazy curve

Too easy!

As our day progressed Jedy climbed some crazy walls and I climbed the easy ones! All the climbing routes have a difficulty level from 1 to 9, where 4 is the first one vertical. My first wall was a 4 and after that I managed to climb a 5a and later on a 5b! The 5b was quite tricky for me and I really had to use my arms on that one to keep me from falling, since I had no proper technique. Completing it felt great, because it really was a challenge. My gym & dance background helped quite a bit I must say.. I'm still far away from Jedy, as  most climbers get stuck at 6a level.. One of Jedy's routes was a 6b+ at least and, he's currently at 6c level.

Of course they had to shine a divine spot light on me to highlight my awesome climbing skills!

LOL, Stock Photo material right there!

Mandatory badonkadonk shot & proof that I made it to the top at least once!

After my success story I tried a 5b and a 5a and failed them both! I had no power in my grip any more and couldn't hang on after going past the middle mark.. Afterwards we went bouldering to the top floor for a bit.. Bouldering is basically climbing small stuff without ropes. After 3 hours of climbing it was time to go home knowing that the next day my back and arms were going to ache from all the climbing.. What a great experience!

This was my first route

Bruce Lee aka Jedy & me

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