Monday, October 1, 2012

#20 - Getting My Portrait Painted

Like in a dream the beautiful white walls and dark blue satin upholstery emerge from the rusted ruin. Taylor is overwhelmed by the opulence of the room. She sets her canvas and painting materials on the wooden stool.
PATRICK: Will this light do? Don’t artists need good light?
TAYLOR: (bad French accent) Zat is true, I am not used to working in such ‘orreeble conditions.PATRICK:  Oh Taylor..  I want you to paint me like one of your French boys. Wearing this.
(he smiles at her)
Wearing only this.

That is how our conversation began today as I got my portrait painted by a talented artist called Helena Taylor. She is one of the members of Funky Foot Clan and she always beats me in locking battles! At first we arranged the scene and lighting.

Taylor's gear. Notice the ice cube maker as a paint holder.

Taylor set up her acrylic painting gear and small canvas and we were ready. I don't remember where the idea for getting a portrait painted came from, but I asked Helena since she is in to painting. We both thought it would be a fun new experience, she had never painted a live model and my nipples had never been immortalized on canvas before now.

We decided to add a little humor to it, and as you could probably guess from the dialogue earlier, our inspiration for today's portrait was the famous Titanic sketching scene, where Jack sketches Rose who's wearing nothing but a necklace..

That 's right. That is exactly what I was wearing.. Nothing, but..


Hah. As I was lying there half-naked watching series from TV I could not help but wonder how funny the situation was. There I was, on the sofa with my hairy chest exposed as a woman was watching me & evaluating the shading on my left nipple. To make matters funnier, the series I was watching at that moment decided to throw in a passionate love making scene. LOL, talk about an unique experience!

Stopmotion-ish .gif of the painting process.

It took us around 4 hours to finish the portrait. 3 hours for the actual painting and 1 hour for the set up and a little accident involving dogs and poo, which I'll talk about in my next post. (What a great cliffhanger, I'm sure you readers can't wait to read about poop) Taylor let me keep the finished portrait, which is great because I can sell it for hundreds of thousands of euros once Helena becomes a famous artist.

The inspiration and the finished portrait. I love DAT NIPPLE.

Thank you so much to my homegirl Freestaylor for the fun experience!

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